The Role of Engineers in WW2
Earlier this year, we looked at the role of engineers during the First World War; however this was not the only conflict to have prompted innovation and engineering excellence. Today, we take a look at the role of engineers in the Second World War. Directly involving more than 30 countries and over a hundred million… Continue Reading …
The Biggest and Best Engineering Firms in the World: Spotlight on BAE Systems
It’s been a while since we last looked at one of the standout engineering firms in the UK, and that’s a shame, as there are certainly plenty of options to choose from. One name that’s frequently in the news is BAE Systems, and, whilst they may not command the same level of public awareness as… Continue Reading …
Greatest Feats of British Engineering: the London Underground
We’ve looked at some fairly impressive feats of UK engineering here on our blog, and it’s only when you do this that you realise just how many different projects are worthy of acclaim. We’ve missed out some genuinely huge feats so far, and so today we’re going to plug one of those notable gaps. The… Continue Reading …
Inventor Profile: Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison is by far one of the most famous and influential inventors of all time, with many of his great works making a dramatic impact to life around the world. Here we take a look at the life and works of this inspiring individual, and his contributions both to the engineering field and also… Continue Reading …
So You Wanna Act Like An Engineer…
We all know that engineers are awesome, and throughout the centuries there have been a number of famous engineers who have changed the face of our society. However it might surprise you to learn that a number of individuals famous for other reasons, such as their acting talents, also originally trained in the engineering industry,… Continue Reading …
Accidental Miracles
Most inventions are the product of months or even years of research and hard work. However throughout history there have also been a number of instances in which some of the greatest inventions ever made were discovered by accident, showcasing that sometimes genius is not always planned, and can in fact be the result of… Continue Reading …
Inventor Profile: Harry Brearley
Harry Brearley – You may not know the name, but you’re certain to have heard of his invention. Like so many important and creative engineers and inventors, often the creation is better remembered than the creator. Here at Airedale Springs we’re always seeking to laud the greatest minds in engineering and invention. So when we… Continue Reading …
Inventor Profile: Isambard Kingdom Brunel
The acclaimed engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel was one of the most versatile and daring engineers of the 19th century. His career saw him responsible for the design of numerous great feats of engineering and his many achievements still form an important part of our everyday lives. Born in 1806 in Portsmouth, Hampshire, Brunel was the… Continue Reading …
Best Science Museums in the UK
In one of our recent blogs we took a look at some great ways to get children interested in science and engineering, in which we mentioned how museums can be a great way to inspire people to take an interest in these fascinating fields. So here we take a quick look at some of the… Continue Reading …
UK Space Industry Soaring
The UK Space Agency recently released its biennial report on The Size and Health of the UK Space Industry (PDF), revealing strong continued growth in the sector. Many people do not realise it, but the UK’s space industry currently employs 34,000 people, supports a further 65,000 jobs in other sectors such as manufacturing and engineering,… Continue Reading …