Why Are Some Springs Made of Plastic?
Over the past few months, we have had an on-going series of articles that talk about what springs can be made of and how they are uses in everyday situations. Firstly, we discussed wooden springs, in which we talked about how they changed from the bow and arrow to leaf springs in ancient vehicles. One… Continue Reading …
We Won the Business Growth Award!
On our previous blog, we shared the exciting news that Airedale Springs had been nominated by the EFF for the Business Growth Award. Well, the results are in and we are extremely proud to announce that we won the Business Growth Award! The award itself was the Business Growth Award for the North East, Yorkshire,… Continue Reading …
We took Gold at Prestigious Regional Business Awards
Airedale Springs are proud to have won the Business Growth Award at this year’s prestigious EEF Future Manufacturing Awards which was given in recognition of a Company delivering dynamic business growth through a consistent growth strategy. Airedale Springs Ltd was up against stiff competition from a range of innovative businesses – small and large –… Continue Reading …
We are Up for the Business Growth Award!
The Engineering Employer’s Federation, also known as the EEF, is a British organisation that focuses on helping, aiding, and recognising manufacturing, engineering, and technology-based businesses across the UK. The EEF provides said businesses with advice, guidance, and support in important aspects of businesses, such as health and safety, employee relations, information and research, and the… Continue Reading …
Success Story: An Airedale Springs Apprentice
Alfie has been an apprentice here at Airedale Springs for two years. We believe strongly in promoting engineering skills in young people, and we particularly invest in local talent from around where we are based. Living in Oakworth, Alfie stood out for his enthusiasm and willingness to learn, and we know his future in engineering… Continue Reading …
Your Engineering Degree: What Can You Do?
There are a variety of different engineering courses out there, and for many students, it can be overwhelming when it comes to thinking about what they will do with their degree once they graduate. Many don’t realise just how broad the engineering sector is, and often feel as though they will be stuck in one… Continue Reading …
Springs in Robotics
Every component in robot manufacturing is vital for the proper functioning of the machine, especially regarding its movements. Springs are at the core of robotic movement, and essential for smooth and human-like mobility. Modern advancements due to countries like Japan investing in robotics are seeing mechanisms develop at an impressive rate.
Spotlight on: Wooden Springs
Springs have been around for hundreds of years; they are used in nearly every day activity that we complete and they make our lives a lot easier. If we lived in a world where there weren’t any springs or other mechanical devices, we wouldn’t be able to complete certain tasks as effectively as we do… Continue Reading …
Is Equality Still a Problem in Engineering?
Recent reports have revealed that women are still losing out to men when it comes to engineering jobs in Britain, especially when compared to the rest of Europe. It’s believed that women make up less than 22% of British engineering graduates annually – this is fewer than one in four – so is this something… Continue Reading …
Engineering Excellence – The Tools of a Paralympian
Last month, we all enjoyed watching the amazing Rio 2016 Paralympic Games, especially considering that Great Britain performed exceptionally well. It’s safe to say that part of the reason for why the GB Paralympians gained so many medals, besides being incredibly talented, is due to engineering excellence. Engineering has helped to create technology that is… Continue Reading …