Springs in Robotics

Every component in robot manufacturing is vital for the proper functioning of the machine, especially regarding its movements. Springs are at the core of robotic movement, and essential for smooth and human-like mobility. Modern advancements due to countries like Japan investing in robotics are seeing mechanisms develop at an impressive rate.

Spotlight on: Wooden Springs

Springs have been around for hundreds of years; they are used in nearly every day activity that we complete and they make our lives a lot easier. If we lived in a world where there weren’t any springs or other mechanical devices, we wouldn’t be able to complete certain tasks as effectively as we do… Continue Reading …

Happy Cat Day – Biomimicry in Practise

Humans have drawn inspiration from nature for millennia; industries benefit from applying similar concepts to their products, ensuring a streamlined result. Biomimicry provides sustainable solutions to every day challenges through imitating nature’s strategies. As the 26th of October is Cat Day, we are looking into the contributions cats’ nature has provided in research and development… Continue Reading …

A Summer’s Day Without Springs

Springs are excellent devices that can store a lot of mechanical energy. Because of this, they are used in nearly every mechanical device. This is because they are incredibly durable and efficient in transferring energy. You will genuinely be surprised with the number of items that involve springs or that are operated by springs.